GABC Selected Projects
GABC Palladio Partners

Palladio Partners

The leading trademark
for tangible assets.


A brand identity for the next decade

In the first 10 years of its existence, the Frankfurt-based company Palladio Partners has become one of Germany's leading investment boutiques for tangible assets. However, in view of the already achieved and the future growth strategy of the company, the previous brand presence was felt to be increasingly limited and old-fashioned - thus GABC was commissioned with a deliberate brand evolution. 

Based on a comprehensive brand strategy process, the target positioning of the brand as well as the central value propositions for the various stakeholders in business and in public were jointly defined. On this basis, a careful but significant formal evolution of the visual brand, logo, corporate design and imagery took place. 

All elements of the renewed brand identity are now being implemented step by step across all digital and analogue channels of the company in its 10th anniversary year.

GABC Palladio Partners
GABC Palladio Partners
GABC Palladio Partners
GABC Palladio Partners
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GABC Palladio Partners
GABC Palladio Partners
GABC Palladio Partners
